
Adventures with your little ones

Inspiration for days out with your toddler in Peterborough and surrounding areas…

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Free & low cost rainy day activities

With the weather being SO rubbish for July I thought I’d put together some ideas for rainy days without breaking the bank 1. Peterborough Museum (there’s an interactive toys exhibition on at the minute…

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Johnsons of Oldhurst

Such a lovely trip in the sunshine to Johnsons of Old Hurst We visited when Freddie was a lot younger and had a fab day but have had this on our list to return…

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Full of Beans

We’ve visited Full of Beans quite a few times now but always forget to take photos! A great place for a playdate with little ones or brunch with family etc as you can pretty…

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Wansford toddler play park

We stopped by at this one on our way to Sacrewell as it’s just down the road and Freddie didn’t want to leave as he was really enjoying it bless him. It was perfect…

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A little bit about us…

After trawling through google and struggling to find things to do with my little boy, I decided to create an instagram page sharing our toddler friendly adventures which (after lots of lovely feedback!) has led to this blog.

Contact us: adventureswithyourlittleones@gmail.com